Learn more about greenwashing methods:
Large corporations have been using our trust and compassion against us by using manipulative marketing strategies. These are some of the easier ones to spot.
fuzzy language
use of terms with no backed up evidence such as 'eco friendly','sustainable','100% natural','organic',100% recyclable'.
Green packaging as well as nature themed packaging. Using images of flowers and animals and using earthy tones.
when a company emphasises the importance of addressing one environmental issue whilst concealing a more serious one eg nestle taking spring water 120 miles from Flint Michigan whilst Michigan was suffering from a lead contamination water crisis.
You have chosen...
dismissing other ethical issues
suggestive visuals
false third party endorsement
A 'label' that appears to be a genuine certification and third-party endorsement Except it's a fabrication.
information and terms that only a scientist could test or understand.
claims with no sourcing or proof provided.
pointless claims
Concentrating on one minor green attribute when the rest isn't green. Eg claiming recyclability but dismissing the fact that this is not physically possible because the earth doesn't have the infrastructure to recycle all the plastic produced.
sources & more information
-Volkswagen: The scandal explained

- Why being 'environmentally friendly' is a scam

-Public Awareness of Nature and the Environment During the COVID-19 Crisis

-Sins of greenwashing
-Nestlé, Unilever, P&G among worst offenders for plastic pollution in Philippines in beach audit

-A million bottles a minute: world's plastic binge 'as dangerous as climate change'